I'm sorry

by falling star   Oct 15, 2005

I'm sorry that I called
it wasn't really my place.
I'm sorry that I smile
every time I see your face.
I'm sorry that I laugh
at all the stupid things you say.
I'm sorry that you're perfect
in every single way.
I'm sorry that it's over
and that you're now with her.
I'm sorry I didn't know
but now I know for sure.
I'm sorry that I hate you
and I wish that you weren't here.
I'm sorry that I love you
but to you that isn't clear.


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  • 19 years ago

    by fastforward

    Hooooly H.ELL

    i love poems that flow like that.

    that was aamaazing.
    good god.

    im in llove with it.

  • 19 years ago

    by ♥ii NEED YOU♥

    Hey buddy i luv luv luv ya and ure poems(lol)

  • 19 years ago

    by skyfox

    Unrequited love is so hurtful I liked your poem. The raw emotion comes out with the words

  • 19 years ago

    by Julie