Missin you...

by SplitSided   Oct 15, 2005

You made my world a better place.
Just by the smile on your face.
I miss you more then ever.
And I'll hold you close forever.
I didn't believe what you said then.
But I find myself thinking of it time and time again.
The time we shared wasn't long at all.
And I wish our friendship didn't have to fall.
I still miss you.
Dispite everything that we went through.
A true friend is what you were.
And the time we had was a blur.
I still think of you from time to time.
And you'll always be in my mind.
Our friendship was crystal clear.
And I wish you were here.
When you were around I knew things were fine.
Even if it was for a short amount of time.
Without you it's hard to stand.
It's like you were my left hand.
I'm still here if you need me.
And I hope that isn't ever too hard to see.
Even if I say I hate you now.
Without you I'm still under this dark cloud.
You were there when I was sad.
And when the times got bad.
Right when I needed someone to talk to.
And that's why I'm missin you...

This goes to an old friend I miss you...hope you read this someday...wish you were here


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  • 19 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*Aww im so srry about ur friend n all...stay strong and i loved it another great peom keep it up*~ Much love XoXo

  • 19 years ago

    by Laffalot

    Wow...thats wut happened to me and my best friend...but we decided we were better being friends..and now ew are happyier than b4...i hope u and ur friend dont hate each other foreva...this was awaosme poem by the way...it oviously related to many people...keep on writing ur very good!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    I miss my friend too...actually his the guy i love and my best friend...nice one...i have a poem Miss you today...maybe you can check it out...

    By the way...nice poem...5/5