The two of us together must be forever meant
Look at our relationship its pretty much perfect!
Thoughts of that glorious day we are to be wed
Bring such joy as they run through my head.
Some would call it puppy love, others childs play
I say its much different. Its too strong to even be close to that way.
From the first day the Father brought us together,
I knew that we were destined for forever.
Why, would someone so amazing, so wonderful be brought in my life
If not for forever, if not intended she be my wife?
I could be just another guy with a dream
Just another Joe trapped in a world thats not as it seems.
But if you feel it too,
If you have the same dream of forever as I do,
Then together lets go out and grab it
Walk this road together! Using all our conning and whit.
I promise to do anything and everything for you.
Ill do it all becaise I Love You!!