Imaginary home...

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Oct 15, 2005

The green front yard with the clear stone sidewalk
A tall, full tree with a swing for 2 where we can sit and talk

The wooden front porch, it's light blue with a little bit of white
The lights on the porch keep it bright at night

The wooden door with windows on the side
A slightly dirty welcome mat, under that is where the extra key will hide

A wooden floor where you greet whoever comes in
Pictures of the family and friends, it's where the laughter will begin

the living room is where everyone talks and has fun
So clean, so beautiful, how many people are sad? NONE

the dining room is where they eat together
There's a big window, it's beautiful to look out to at any kind of weather

The candles make the house smell so fresh
The flowers and decorations awesomely mesh

Pictures follow the stairs to the second floor
Whoever's room it is is written on their door

Every different room leads to a different little place
With memories and smiles that will never erase

The back porch is great to sit and look at the stars
It's so silent, you don't hear the noise of passing cars

The huge back yard has a pool and a swing-set
The trees prevent you from getting rained on and wet

When you leave the house, it isn't goodbye
You're always welcomed, whatever time of day

What i would give to have something like this
Get away from everyone and nothing you will miss

But instead, the broken home belongs to me
Some day i know it won't be

But until then, the only thing i can do is dream
And try to figure out what this life of mine will mean


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  • 18 years ago

    by Void

    Hey! I have a poem titled the same thing, but you know what, I like yours alot better! lol. It's quite a bit different from my own, but it had alot more imagery and feeling to it than mine did; thus, Hats off to you! 5/5. Keep up the good work, I hope to see more from you.. Happy Holidays