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by xLongxXxLostx Oct 15, 2005 category : Life, society / inspirational
I have long since remembered, the nights it used to rain. Before the days I despised so much; before all my pain. The nights were cool and vivid, the days were light and fun. Now I only wish to escape this world; for joy is limited to nearly none. I yearn for the days -- of peace and loving times' before the days of sadness -- now leave me with everything behind. I do not want to grow old. Growing up is too much. I wish for the carefree days again; yet I know -- I will never have such Things are never going -- to be the same agian. So now I hold to what I have, I repenish all my sins. I cannot escape my past -- It makes me who I am; with out all that has happened, I would have never gave a damn. So now I leave myself; with little to expect. Growing old is inevitable, But -- I can always recollect. The nights it used to rain, Id dance and be happy -- I know now I am nothing but sad, and this memory seems sappy. But it is what I have, and nothing matters more -- Who I am today, and who I will be through tomorrow's door....
by fastforward
.F.U.C.K.I.N.G. LOVED IT. thanks. best one ive read in awhile.