Dear mom and dad.

by lovemethatsalliask   Oct 15, 2005

She would twist and turn.
Knowing that she wouldn't be missed.
They wouldn't even notice.
For the few who cared.
She was so sorry.
She loved them.
But all hope for her was lost.
I'm sorry.
Thats all they could say.
It made it worse.
OH did she know she didn't belong.
She faked it all.
She faked smiling and laughing
Fro she never knew what
These things felt like.
Her parents never knew how she
They thought she was happy.
she had diabetes.
She was giving her self air bubbles.
So hope fully she would die.
she took a piece of paper
wrote notes to her 2 friends. on how much she loved them and thanked them for being there for her. and that she was sorry.
She took a final piece of paper and.


I am sorry. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I was a lost soul. thank you for everything. i am sorry. and I hope you forgive me. don't be angry.i know this is shocking for you.
your beautiful disaster.

I took the last pill.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    Great poem..
    but you don't have to do that..just know that i'm here if you want to talk, and i've been through a lot of stuff during the past 2 months.