I wish...

by Jenna Balkin   Oct 16, 2005

Thinking of you gets me so sad,
both mind and heart grow weak...
Wishing a life with you i had,
Your hand in mine i seek...

I have a vision of you and I,
lying on the sand...
The waves from the beach cry,
as i kiss you on the hand...

My eyes seek the love in you,
as i look at your face...
I see it there in your eyes,
and my heart begins to race...

A kiss i wish you had for me,
a memory that i'd keep...
For my heart you hold the key,
for you i've fallen, deep...

~ Jenna Balkin


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lost & Delirious

    I love this line:
    Your hand in mine i seek...

    Beautiful poem!


  • 18 years ago

    by AnAstAciA

    Love ti!!!! awsome poem...i can totaly relate to this!:) well done...keep it up!!!! 5/5:D

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Excellent imagery..lvoe the emotion that scrreams from this poem...


  • 19 years ago

    by Falling Up

    Very well written poem and good metaphors used.... it flows beautifully and keeps on topic.... keep up the good work and please comment on my latest works... thankyou - falling