Comments : You and me

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Wow...totaly felt all the love in this..oo u're in love** lol...absolutely amazing and for ur sake i hope this lasts...keep me updated:P luv ya xox

    PS:(great poem btw 5/5)

  • 19 years ago

    by *mishelle*

    Very good poem. i love it. 5/5. take care.

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrew

    That was real good i also want to thank you for votin for my poem "everlasting fallout" and just to let you kno i am fine thanks for caring... i hope that you and that special some one are happy

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Wonderful m'dear, breath taking as always =D keep it up

    Love Always

  • 19 years ago

    by skyfox

    Your love leaps out from the words. great work as usual. Your writing is inspirational

  • 19 years ago

    by my_little_secret

    I remember feeling like that about mine, u reallyput across how exciting it is. Im really happy for u !!

  • 19 years ago

    by LOOPE

    Awwww...... wow, it's so sweet, Excellent, Adorable. (tear) WOW, I loved this poem, It's incredible. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    This is the best I've seen from you so far...I mean the best from what I've seen...can't wait to see more...luv ya hun...keep up the AWESOME work...

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Awww, beautiful poem 5/5 xxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa Westfall

    Wow this is a great poem you are such a great writer. and thanx alot for commenting my poems. it means alot.....luv and huggs...missy

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Good poem. everything you said was how i felt about my girlfriend...well, ex-girlfriend, lol. and about my poem 'Live the lie' i'm waiting until my birthday so i would have spend exactly 19 years on this earth. i won't be too missed, and those who are hurt will soon recover.


    P.S. thanks for your concern, but you can't change my mind, sorry

  • 19 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    Wow...amazing poem!!! i love it! keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Nikki

    When I read this there was so much that i could feel just through your words. I just got into a relationship and its all still new but i know i love him already. Its great to read something like this that moves you! Great Job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Hey hun..
    just wanna thank you for all ur comments..i really appreciate're part of the poem "Making A Change"..just so yo u know:P
    love ya xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by **Stacy**

    Damn! this is soooo good. i cud totally relate 2 this cuz i'm there myself. excellent poem. i gave u 5/5 but u deserve sooo much more.

    luv ya,

  • 19 years ago

    by CourtneyLouxxx

    This is awesome and i can relater...take care...Gd_4eva xoxo please comment if you have time!! take 5/5 this is a great poem, keep it up!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by BrAnDi

    Hey thats a really good poem . keep on writing!! you never know where poems wil take u .so keep writing. lol.

    comment me sometime please. and tell me what u think about mine.
    please and thanks

  • 18 years ago

    by Dreaming_Awake

    Omg wow what else is there to say you are luckey to have him and hm luckey to have you keep up the good work and i love it!! ^_^

  • 17 years ago

    by Paige aka Kayla

    Hey i love this poem... i feel the same way about the guy in with a the moment... and its the best feeling in the world to be able to have... Although it does hurt when they have to leave you.... but knowing they'll be comin back makes it all worth wild...
    I love this poem... keep up the good work and keep on writting...
    Please cheack out some of my work it would really mean alot to me and i would really appreciate it

    Love Paige