Care love grow

by KAP DAR   Oct 17, 2005

To plant my love
to watch you grow
gives pleasure more then most any thing so you know
just past spring seemed hurting your self was your ends to your means
caring less of life or death
no real plan i felt your pain
no real friend you had lost your self what seemed
i understood i breath your dreams
and now sweet heart your dreams are every where
hearts around your face as your loveliness shines my way i hold this special place deep in my heart
in a special way to give then to watch you soar like an angel with wings for this i would give my own and if you never returned them I'd still be happy to know you are free
and if some day some way perhaps i grow another pair
met you up there
fly together free forever the way it's meant to be with you sweet heart would mean the world to me...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tylur

    Beautiful poem, i love it! It is so nicely worded, great work!