Haunted By His Guilt

by Fighter (Ariane L.)   Oct 18, 2005

Screaming in the night, a demonic tourmented soul.
His anger against the world becomes uncontrollable.
He pleas with God to end his life, guilty.
Unable to continue living with his secrets.

He still remembers her face as she pleaded with him.
Her delicate skin under his rough touch, innocent.
Her eyes begging for him to set her free, afraid.
Her throat begging him to drain its blood.

He remembers her last words "You will regret this".
Tourmented and haunted by her spirit, guilty 'til this day.
Unable to fight the urge, he sliced her skin.
As blood poured on his hands, deep satisfaction.

Years later, nightmares tourment him, haunted.
He screams as they they take him away, pleading.
He screams as they wrap him in the straightjacket.
Prisoner within his guilt, haunted by her spirit.



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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Wow hun yet another good job i cant wait to see the finished version! xox

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Hey Hun,
    Maybe some work to the ending would make this draft wonderful? I dunno but its most def. isnt worth a low one!
