Im sick

by CE   Oct 18, 2005

Im sick of you in my life, Im sick of you causing me strife,
Im sick of my mind drifting to you in the middle of class,
Im sick of thinking "what if?" every time you pass,
im sick of trying to be your friend,
im sick of wondering why ours had to end,
Im sick of going to sleep with you on my mind
i'm sick of spending my day thinking about u most of the time,
I'm sick of lying to my self about how you feel,
I'm sick of wondering if what I feel is real,
I'm sick of not knowing and being confused,
What I'm truely sick of is....loving you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gretchen

    Heck yeah!!! This poem rocks. I was just thinking last night all that stuff. Im sooo sick of loving him but dang it I still do no matter what he does no matter how much I try to get him out of my head. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by LostSoul

    That's sad. And I hope your okay. It's a good poem though.

  • 19 years ago

    by yaRis

    Awww i love this poem really cute... 5/5
    ps: i love how u put almost ur phone # on ur pro that funny lol =) u bad lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Passionate

    Heu thanks for the comment, and yeah I am hot. i like u poems, they`re pretty good. this one seems alot like my ex- boyfriend would write. hid anitials are CE... what a cawinky-dink. ill read more on you some time, good thoughts. later.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carrie

    Aw. its a different style to write it but it works really well here. i like this very much!

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