Screams In The Night

by TheDevilHimself   Oct 18, 2005

I cant get them out
They yell at me and shout
Driving me crazy and sad
Fear me when I lie in bed

In the middle of the night
I woke up cause of a scream
A scream that made me fright
It wasn't a nightmare nor a dream

I sat down straight in bed
Heard some whispers making me sad
I looked round the darkened space
There was no one, not even a trace

When I decided to lie back down
I heard a whispering in my ear
Telling me that I would drown
And that my death is near

I was scared like I never was before
Heard footsteps around me on the floor
A tear ran down my face
In the morning I was gone, didn't leave a trace

I cant get them out
They yell at me and shout
Driving me crazy and sad
These voices I just met


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  • 18 years ago

    by xXxDarkDreamerxXx

    Wow! awesome poem! love your style of writing keep it up! -cheers-

  • 19 years ago

    by MizDarkRoyalty

    Hey, okay so i saw ur peom and im still kinda a new member in ur friends i really lyked ur poem, u seem to be a really good poet! never stop!
    Much Luv,

  • 19 years ago

    by WtrmlnLvr

    Wow that was really good.....i liked it a lot! mine aren't that good....wish they were but its chill. i def. like reading your poems!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz deep...a gr8 rite..its awesome...heh
    ...keep writin!:)

  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Hey...all your poems are sooo good...keep it up! and this one is great too..its spooky, but deep so keep it up!!:)