Ocean of Pain

by Ana   Oct 18, 2005

The loneliness is suffocating
no one will take my side.
I'm cursed to be alone
no one to be my guide.
I'm not even safe within myself.
I find myself choking on my own blood
mixed with my constant tears
as the pain inside me takes form of a flood.
I try to swim
in this ocean of pain
but my arms grow tired
and again it starts to rain.
There is no one to save me
they can't even see
my hand reaching for the surface
trying to break free.
But is this life worth living?
I have no one to share it with.
This pain is my only reality
and love is just a myth.
I will swim forever in my ocean of pain
until perhaps I learn to float.
No one to save me
not even a boat.
My dead body will always float
in the wild waters moved by the rain
even after my death the waters will move
in my eternal ocean of pain.


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    I like this one alot :) very creative and flowing. it really draws the reader in.. 5/5 nice piece