Pretty Girl

by mandi   Oct 18, 2005

Pretty face, pretty kiss,
pretty scar on her pretty wrist,
beautiful blood soaked letter,
her pretty life never got better,
they ripped and tore her apart,
left her stranded with a broken heart,
she cut her wrists to release her pain,
all that hurt with nothing to gain,
pain goes away for a little while,
then left with nothing, not even a smile.

her pretty wrist, stained with blood,
perfect life now a flood,
mom doesn't know, she cleans up the mess,
putting on a pretty smile, acting her best,
pretty girl is suffering, no one heard her cry,
no one saw it comming, then she said good bye.....


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  • 18 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Incredible poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by lee

    Wow, that was a really good poem. it sounded naw, but it was sad. awesome job. 5/5