To my best friend

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Oct 18, 2005

Me and my gal in crime...
Have been best friends for over a year's time

We have our laughs and we have our tears
And we'll be together for the rest of our years

When i would fall, she held on to me
Wherever my life went, she cleared the path for me to see

And now we both agreed to this
And yes, this may be something we both will miss

Together we will give up these drugs and pot
So much depression this stuff has brought

You're into the smoking, I'm into the pills
But we both would share our death-defying thrills

But now we both are in too much
We're so near the end, i can feel it's touch

And what i want now is for you to stay here
We can get past these addictions if we both stay near

I won't leave you as long as you don't leave me
It's a promise that will always be

I know that we can great through this thing
But i know how much depression and madness it will bring

But you got to remember this one line...
I won't leave you fall behind

And that's my promise Kayla, i won't let you fall
I won't let you go at all

It's going to be hard for both of us now
But trust me we'll get through it, I'll figure out how

And if it's killing me, I'll still make you come before me
I want you to get out of this quickly

So when you want to give in and give up this fight
I'll be there to help you, or night

So here we go Kayla, it's the drugs verse you and me
The time has come to stop, but i will never leave

You mean so much to me girl, you helped me through it all
When i felt so small, you made me stand so tall

When people left or passed away
You were still there to stay

Through my bruises and my cuts
When one door closes and the other shuts

You stayed beside of me no matter what i did or have done
there's nothing more i can ask for...none

And it kills me to see you sad
But holding it in too can be bad

TALK TO ME, anytime that you need to
It will only stay between me and you

I won't think different or leave your side
I will never hurt you, even if everybody else has lied

I just want you to know through out all of this
Yeah some of the memories from drugs i will miss

but I'd rather have you than keep doing this stuff
and you got to hold on and be tough

If you think the world walked out on you think again
Because forever and always I WILL BE YOUR BEST damn friend

*Kayla, i know you're going to read this :) muah ha ha...i want you to know basically that giving up these drugs is going to take a's going to be hard for you with the smoking and me with the pills and it will take A LOT of time but I'm not going to leave you and I'm here for you still...i believe in you gal and i always will and I KNOW we can do this...i love you girl*


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