
by Aurora   Oct 19, 2005

I used to think shadows were bad
I used to think shadows were scary
But tonight I was walking down the street, and I saw my shadow

How beautiful it was,
so mysterious and strange,
like a young moon goddess

I walked through the yard,
my bare feet crushing the wet leaves,
and felt like a maiden, more beautiful than me

I layed in the hammock,
drifting in the wind,
and felt like a fairy, about to fly away

Then I walked to a lake,
where grand willows hummed in the wind,
then gazed into the water,

There was a goddess, a maiden, and a fairy staring back at me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ashelin

    This is a cute poem with some good imagery, very nice, but think about how to make it flow a little more.