Comments : How It Feels

  • 19 years ago


    Thanks for your comments.

    And I like the repetition in this poem, it gets your point across!
    Its more like a song and I enjoyed reading it. "After yet another insane night
    here I am on the highway of life
    with those screams in my head" was a great begining and really got me interested in the poem. Your a really good writer of dark poems. Im very tired and can't make a better comment im sorry, but I did enjoy your poem alot! x)

  • 19 years ago


    Hi dear
    again i m forced to comment. awesome poem!!!!!!!
    yaar are u really going thru this pain???
    plz let me know. but i really hope its not so....
    keep writing . i m lost in ur poems seriously.........
    luv, bharti

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~ is so hard 4 me 2 leave a comment...well...I can't say I understand how u feels...or maybe I do(which I think u might not agree) matter what it is...this poem is excellent...and it definitely a 5 no doubt...4 I find the words u use very well..that's all...just stop I check it out..

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Love

    You know, This is the poem that made me feel as if you were writing about me. But somehow I forgot to comment on it. I read this that first day I discovered your talent and got lost in your deepness. this was the one that clicked inside and made me read more and more of your poems. So thanks to this poem I met such a wonderful person.

    Great poem indeed. Holds a very special place in my heart.

    Lots of Love

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    A haunting dark piece of work.
    I don't have the words to describe this.. it was just.. so emotional and it almost seems magical. If that makes sense
    Right, i'm just going to end up rambling.
    5/5 for putting me at a loss for words

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a wonderful poem. Very sad but moving. Great Imagery!

    now I wonder if someone could set me free
    if someone could feel
    how it feels, to be me

    I can feel how you feel :)
    What a wonderful friend you have become.
    Excellent job on this write.
    Love Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Elapsed

    Wow... This is brilliant.. Loved the repetition and style of this piece...

    "with those screams in my head
    I am simply more than lucky to survive
    I used to believe in love
    I had faith above"

    such a hunting read this was.. however very enjoyable..Fantastic job!!