Just thinking

by Samantha   Oct 19, 2005

My thoughts run wild
my spirit seems free
no one is around
no one except me

having a space
just to think and have thoughts
not about what I'm doing
or what clothes i bought

but to think about me
be selfish and clear
this road is so bumpy
sometimes i can't steer

we get caught up in other peoples business
we never really think of our own
is it because we don't want to
is it a keep away zone?

are our own lives so horrible
with the things we say and do?
can't we look to the deeper side
at least try it, I'm putting peer pressure on you

not everyone is doing it
not every one will even try
but if you want to have a clear mind
close your eyes and fly

fly to the place where no one else dare go
be free with your thoughts and impeccable with your word
have fun hang tight
go passed the level of third

get into the abyss
find who you are
trust me it's not that easy but
it's better then dreaming up stars

get out of reality and into the abyss
check out all the cool things you could've missed


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