One Little Mistake

by Kristin   Oct 20, 2005

You hurt me more than you could ever know.
In one second, you broke my heart into a million pieces,
and left me alone and confused,
and without you.
No matter how much pain you've caused me, though,
I will still think you are the most amazing guy I have ever met,
and I the luckiest girl in the world,
for loving and being loved by you.
I don't regret our time together,
but everyday,
with every moment that I cry over you,
I think about the one little mistake I made.
I depended on you for my happiness,
to make me feel complete,
to give me a reason to live.
I just wish that I would have thought it through,
and realized that all the things you provided for me would be gone,
if I lost you.
It turns out that I did lose you,
and now I spend every moment of every day,
thinking about you,
and the one little mistake I made.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley

    Wow i really like this its so sad though! i just recently lost the guy i loved so i half way understand what you mean! this was really sweet i loved it!