Don't Want to Be Me

by MEG!@$%   Oct 21, 2005

Breaking down
Falling apart
Feeling alone
Want to restart
Wiping my tears
Can't stop the flow
Closing my eyes
Can't let it show
Wanting to scream
Wish I could die
Feeling like shit
No one cares why
Look in the mirror
Hate what I see
Glare at myself
Don't want to be me


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  • 18 years ago

    by YourBeautifulMISTAKE

    I know how that feels. short poem but really says a lot. good job

  • 18 years ago

    by Deathcanwait

    Whoa! awesome job! this ones rather good :P short and sweet, nice job!

    keep hope


  • 19 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    I love it. It's short but fits perfectly and it's straight to the point. I think it would work perfectly as the first verse to a song too. Anyway, great work.

    Btw, thanks for the comment. :)