How could this happen to me
Just take it out and put it away
Take the blade to make a slash
And take my life away
What's the purpose of me being here
With nothing to live for
Just take the key to my heart
And shut the door
Take it now and just tare it open
Leave it to bleed
In this world
There is nothing that I need
You were supposed to be the one I care for
The one I can turn to tell
A shoulder to cry on
When all else fails
Please just do it
Just leave me alone
Don't write a note to me when I'm dead
And don't me in heaven on the phone
Don't try to act like you didn't know this was coming
For everyone seen it before you
Don't react like you want to
For I'm dead its true
People act like it's just a game
But is it when you're dead
When you have one hand lying beside you
And the other on your head
Walk into my room and just look what happened
Don't touch me because I'm not fully gone
I still have feeling in my mind
Just know there's nothing you could have done
I love you and that's all that matters
When I found out what you did
Yes I was devastated but it
Now she's going to have your kid
Don't think I can't keep this is mind
And just try to hide it all year
Watch me die
Watching you with that one little tear
Let go of my hand
I have made up my mind
Shut the door
And close the blind
Leave me here to rest
Leave me here to bleed to death
In my final good-byes
I love you was my last breathe