A Mother And Her Baby Fawn

by Lu   Oct 21, 2005

As the sun beams down it's warmly rays
kissing the surface of a wandering stream
I stand mesmerized to the sight before my eyes
as a mother and her baby fawn drink
at the refreshing edge of a swirling stream

Unaware of my presence ,oblivious to danger
I steadily hold my hands aiming
waiting for the perfect shot
the clicking noise draws their attention
wide-eyed and startled at first
then they carry on to the task at hand
for they realize I am no threat

For the shot I have taken is of pure beauty
never a bullet of mine will tear their flesh
childhood memories of Bambi
tears that still sting my heart
the only trophy proudly displayed upon my wall
beauty captured by a camera
a precious picture of a mother and her baby fawn


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  • 19 years ago

    by neens

    Luanne your poems never let me down. When I want to read a good one I always turn to yours. This one was very beautifully written.

  • 19 years ago


    Great poem I love it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Steven Beesley


    This is such a good thoughtful right and I for one agree 100% with the message in the write. I am against hunting and agree that the only shots that should be take should be with a camera.

    Warmest regards,


  • 19 years ago


    Oh I like this! I honestly thought it was gonna be a gruesome hunting poem. It's funny cause I also think back to Bambi when it comes to deer hunting.
    Well done on the twist, awesome stuff! You're an amazing writer, keep it up~Holly

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Such a beautiful poem and I am fortunate to have seen this beautiful picture that you painted. We have so many deers here on our farm and I'm thankful I get the pleasure of seeing them...Well written...

    Love Ann