Satan's Desire

by HOLLY ARMER   Oct 21, 2005

Death is my destiny
I refuse to wait anymore
They won't let me in
so I'll kick down the door
Taking all the power
life for death is the trade
Watching as my essence
slowly begins to fade

Falling into oblivion
this is what I chose
Caught in waves of hell
flames licking at my toes
Playing with my hair
immersed within the fire
Engulfed by eternal damnation
for this is Satan's desire.


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  • 19 years ago

    by nightschild

    What an excellent poem!
    your such a good writer.
    such a sad poem but i can turlly empathise

  • 19 years ago

    by Forsaken Redeemer

    Good wording n it had a gd flow 2 it as wel, it duznt sound sin songey bt duznt sound like crud eitha so gd job all round.

    good work. keep goin.


  • 19 years ago

    by Koriey Korrupted

    Great poem 5/5.
    its so dark and true.dangerous mix and i love.g2g L8ter,


  • Wow, really nice, deep and powerful i liked it alot.

    xxx cici xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    Thx for commention on my poem, I can relate to this tho