I Pretend

by Valeria   Oct 21, 2005

I pretend i don't care bu as soon as i get to my room i start to cry i think of what we had but now that's in the past but i want it to be my present and my future but once again i have to put that smile and go to school pretend nothing happened last night and my feelings for you are gone but i know that's all a lie ..but i have to keep on with life...
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love u guys sooo MUCH...! PLZ PLZ PZL COMMENT


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    :'( So sad.... beautiful, though!! I love your poems..

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    :( So sad... amazing poem, though. The words were very powerful and you did a good job at expressing the emotions.