The Last Kiss In The Rain

by TheDevilHimself   Oct 22, 2005

It falls from high out of the sky
When the darkened clouds are passing by
The drips glide trough the air
Falling down on the floor and in your hair

Were they turn into a river
That slowly fades away
Cause of the warmth of the sun
During this whole rainy day

I looked out of my window
At the street down below
Saw the rain dancing on the floor
Turned myself around and walked to the door

I opened it and walked into the rain
Walked over the flooded street
Felt a feeling I cant explain
When the rain soaked my feet

I ran faster to place I had to be
Knew that I was too late
Saw you standing dry under a tree
I was sorry that I let you wait

We Hugged and kissed in the rain
You told me that I wont have to explain
I was filled with emotion from head till feet
While we Hugged there in the middle of the street

Now I miss you cause you are not here
Standing on the street in the rain
Hoping and praying for you to appear
So you can finally wash away my pain

The thoughts of the past are making me cry
Your death is driving me insane
I pray to you and look in the sky
To give me a last kiss in the rain


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Awww so sweet...n sad. gr8 write....dnt stop writing k?

  • 18 years ago

    by fallenfireangel

    The poem is super good!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Hey this poem is really touching...i dont get have your own wicked style...its real sweet!! :)

  • 19 years ago

    by shadowlight

    Wow! so deep, sad and atmospheric. very well written

  • 19 years ago

    by tinkerbell

    Hey i love the poem i had a guy who kiss me in the rein