I'll Never Let Go

by richard   Oct 23, 2005

I hold you in my arms and I can't let go
When I hold you I always wish
that we can stay like this
I don't want to let go.

When I feel your touch i feel so low
Your touch breaks me down
It gives me goosebumps like never before
For when I'm with you there is no better
With you everything is good everything is better
But when I have to let go, my pain is full
Cause you're not by my side
Where you should be
Instead you're just in my head.

Wherever you're at no matter what
you're always with me
In my head in my heart
I'll keep you dearly
For I remember the time that i was holding you tight
Feeling like I was in Heaven.

What I did to receive this beautiful gift
I'll never know
But one thing I do
Is that I'll Never Let Go.


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  • 18 years ago

    by LouYsabelNicole

    I really appreciate your poem.. And I like it a lot.. So I'll give it a 5... It reminds me of what Dan wrote for me... I was thinking that you could check it out; "One Day"... It's kind of similar to what you just wrote... It you have time, try visiting my poems... Thanks a lot...

  • 19 years ago

    by Cortney

    Wow that poem was really sweet keep it up!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    So romantic... this is an amazing poem. It flowed really well and I enjoyed reading it. Great job!