I know i'm not perfect!

by nadsyy   Oct 23, 2005

~ i wouldn't say this was a poem more like a life story but it helps be get my feelings out~

I know I'm not the perfect daughter you always wanted
I know I'm not the brightest girl around
I know I'm not pretty even if i was, i wish i was prettier so people could take a second look

I just wish you would stop saying get lost
I wish you would stop saying get out of my ****** face
I do what you command because your my mother

But after a while you would say your sorry but then we start another fight over something small

What hurt me most was when you said "your exactly like your father" those five words hurt me the most that i cry myself to sleep.
And you should know that i hate my dad!

I see my friends and their mothers and their all happy and bubbly
I just wish i could be like that with you for ever and ever and have no more fights.

As i said I'm not the prettiest or the brightest person around but i just want you to know that you should be happy that I'm not the type of daughter who sleeps with a guy to make myself feel happy wanted or loved

But no matter what deep down inside my heart which you hurt i still love you and always will

~* dis is al tue mum usally gets moddy easily if she doesnt smoke but yeh~*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    Wow you have some great talent to write like this. All the pain, the emotions, everything was great I couldn't even begin to tell you what i was feeling while I was reading this. And i feel the same way sometimes.

  • 19 years ago

    by (*andrea*hurtinside*)

    I love it because its true I feel you girl email me a t andreafrand@hotmail if you wnt to

  • 19 years ago


    I liked this lil story!
    Stay strong!
    Its a good story, but ill read more later I gotts go xxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by jennifer

    Great poem even though it was more like a mini story I still gave it a five great job:)

  • 19 years ago

    by David Paul

    I give you a 5 for being able to release your feelings, and a 3 for style so you get a 4/5. Good Job.
    Never Give Up