If time has no meaning to the memory, then why is time
the only thing on my mind?
Time goes on, days go by, everything seems so slow.
I realize now I'm running out of time to tell you all you don't know.
There will come a time when now will be the only time that matters.
I wish that time would've already came, because I can't go on much longer.
I need to feel you next to me, I need to hear your voice.
The worst day of my life was the day you made that choice.
But you told me goodbye once, and you proved goodbyes aren't always for good.
Then, of course, you left again.
Now what am I to do?
All I ever wanted was for you to love me too.
I guess all I can do is wait.
Wait for the day you love me, wait for the day you care.
Wait for the day when we're the only ones there.
For now though, all I can do is dream.
It's only there where you care for me as much as I do for you.
Hopefully one day these dreams come true.
So until the time is 'now' and 'now' lasts forever, I'll wait.
Because when time stops will be the only time we'll ever be together.