As I lay here warm in bed
I think of all the things you\'ve said
All the lies and the I love you\'s
All the stuff you tried to do
All the Its okays and Its no big deals
I guess I forgot what was actually real
The thing that hurt the most was that you went to my best friend
I guess that\'s what made this whole relationship end
Now that's an a.s.s.h.o.l.e move, damn well rites
I gave you all I had now I regret it, yah that bites
You made me give up a relationship that was well worth keeping
Ours wasn't half as good because you went around creeping
Now I should've seen it coming and I blame myself for that
But jeese you went and did it again after we had a chat
I gave you a second chance and you blew once again
You were just one more ass who brought me too much pain
The only thing I give you credit for is almost nothing at all
Well at least you TRIED to catch me when I took that horrible fall