Halloween I~

by JeaninaMorgan   Oct 24, 2005

That was the night before Halloween.
And all the trough the house.
All the creatures were sirring
except for the mouse.
The monsters had gathered
to roar and prepare
for the trick-or-treaters
who soon would be there
mummies unraveled
And put on new wraps.
spiders found corners
and start tricky traps.
A ghost started to yawn,
There is so much to do
Before bedtime at dawn.
so witches brewed up and magical potion
which set every moster
and gobling into motion.
They worked for hours true the night.
Meanwhile the children
were tucked in beds.
While they dreamed of candy and popcorn
Dancing int heir heads.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by shawn hoskins

    That was good and pretty funny

  • 18 years ago

    by lonely kid

    Nice nice! Hope you don't mind but this poem it's going out to my little bro.

  • 19 years ago

    by jennifer

    Very cute great job:)

  • 19 years ago

    by Mel

    Great poem :D