Comments : In The End U May Get Wat U Want

  • 19 years ago


    Nice job nitin!
    i liked last four lines very much.
    yaar y do u really feel so depressed wid ur life? i dont know y but i m eager 2 know. let me know if u dont mind.......can i get one cheerful poem from ur side plzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    I find this sad at first...yet from the 9th became and inspirational poem...really inspired me...well...I'm not telling lies...this poem is great...and a true masterpiece...honestly...I am not kidding...

  • 19 years ago

    by Jane

    Great poem 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    Wow! so amazing! great!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kittie

    Its like u write about my life but u dont no me, thats just plain kreepy!!! but its awsum!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kittie

    Its like u write about my life but u dont no me, thats just plain kreepy!!! but its awsum!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by darkangel112

    Thats a really nice poem. i really liked it. i also added you to my favorites, i really like your work, thnx for all the comments. keep up the good work 5/5 for sure

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Passion / misery / fear / agony
    all of them breathes in me

    I so hope you still dont feel this way. Otherwise all my bakbak will go to waste. Great poem Yaar, you had so many that I missed to comment on couple of them, though I read them all. Excellent job.

    Lots of Love

  • 18 years ago

    by Rocky

    A really good poem. i loved how it changed around so much. how the first stanzas are depressed and morbid. then it turns insperational. and then finally you twist it around again with your last stanza. i especially loved your ladst stanza "I stared at the mirror with a smile
    after all these years of struggle
    what a bitter fact have I realized
    if anyone of you really want to have end to this pain
    please make sure that you ask no angel again
    as they are the one, forever they lie
    talking about life as they dont have the courage to die" so true and sad. excellent poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    I was surprised to read this from you. My friend that always wants me to be happy. What a sad and depressing poem. The emotions come out so strongly. You did a wonderful job writing this piece.

    I stared at the mirror with a smile
    after all these years of struggle
    what a bitter fact have I realized
    if anyone of you really want to have end to this pain
    please make sure that you ask no angel again
    as they are the one, forever they lie
    talking about life as they dont have the courage to die

    Sounds like someone we both know.
    Thinking of you dost.
    Love Cindy