If my life was best friend free
Then I would have no reason to be me.
But thankfully, I was blessed.
Blessed with friends, A few which I call "Friends that are the best"
Without you all in my life to guide me
I would be walking blind, not being able to see.
To me you have all given me so much support.
Enough so that I couldn't even begin to ask for more.
A lot of times we joke around and get mad
But damn, I look back at our friendship & I am so glad.
Alls I ask from you is for us to stay friends.
In our minds & spirits, we shall remain friends til the end!
I've never had friends quite like you two
I'm so lucky to have best friends like you!!
Through all the fights we have and tears we shed
Just remember, that my best friends are always #1 in my head!