Teary eyes

by Ambar K   Oct 25, 2005

My eyes are teary and you talk about smiling
My Life is avoiding me and you talk about falling in love
My circumstances are so that my hands are tied
My heart is in torment but it can’t breath
My wounds are still so raw and you talk about getting hurt again
My Life is crazy and you talk about falling in love
When I sought out my dreams all I found were shadows
I was seeking companionship instead I found loneliness
It’s so foggy and you talk about finding a fantasy
My Life is unbalanced and you talk about falling in love
My eyes are full of tears and you’re asking me to smile


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  • 18 years ago

    by BehindThisSmilex

    This is pretty much how i feel all the time.
    nice poem.


  • 19 years ago

    by kelly

    Thanks for the comments, and i really like this one, and as you say some of mine relate to you, well this one is to me....

  • 19 years ago

    by ItGirl

    Omg, that was really good! It describes how I feel sometimes and how people just dont get it. Keep writing

  • 19 years ago

    by sherida gottuso

    Hey what a great poem it really touched me cry cry ok bye

  • 19 years ago

    by eternitySOlong

    Your writing put images in my mind...very good. Sad though. Keep it up!