Looking around, the circles are closing in,
Words are spoken, cold and foregone,
With malicious smiles and guilty eyes,
The sun's light slowly fades until its gone.
Tears flow unexplained, upon her unnoticed daily dejected steps,
Dark thoughts of the end crowd the already hopeless mind
Gasping for air she attempts to breath,
But its drained, slowly she falls behind.
Reminiscing, she can remember the times she used to smile,
When life had a meaning, but since then it has blurred into a dream.
The only acceptance of reality from this nightmare
Comes from the release of pain through the slits upon her skin.
Listening to words she says, the truth comes from her lips,
The cries to leave are lost at the opening of her mouth,
No one understands what they call her sins,
But the truth lies inscribed in the lines across her wrists.
Breathing in another world, she staggers on after her cynical losses,
Consumed in her hatred of her own imperfections,
Societies unacceptance continues to coquet her loneliness along,
She waits sedately until she will sing her final song
To leave behind the world to which she's never belonged.