Save me from me

by xX-jess-Xx   Oct 26, 2005

Wake me up,
I sleep too long.
Force me to smile,
right my wrongs.

Open me up,
touch my soul.
Stitch me up,
make me whole.

Help my heart,
and make me heal.
Free my spirit,
make me feel.

Dry my eyes,
wipe my tears.
Make me forget,
the past 10 years.

Hold my hand,
and hold it tight.
Caress my soul,
make me right.

Stop me from crying,
every night in my bed.
Help me forget,
the things they said.

I'm begging you,
here my plea.
Help me out,
save me from me.

**i would really appreciate ne1 reading comment, i don't really mind votes...but id prefer to hear what you think**


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  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    Right my wrongs.
    [[That line didn't really make sense to me.]]

    I really liked this one aswell, I've written one similiar to it. Amazing job. Keep up the great work.


  • 19 years ago

    by dancer

    I love ur style of writing u have great talent

  • 19 years ago

    by Katlynn

    Amazing job. for some odd reason with this poem i could picture a girl in a basement hitting off the walls saying this poem. yeah i might be weird but i can picture things happen when i read poems or stories. But anyway i just got the affect of it. I really really liked this poem alot. It's kinda weird knowing you want to save your own self but the weird part is to me what i was picturing was you just saying that to yourself to the basement walls no one else. I dunno that's what i seen. But anyway another talented poem. keep it up. keep on writing. love always and forever.

  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Firstly, let me say, very well written. You are a natural for rhyme, you do it perfectly, and the flow is spot on. The short lines add to the intensity and tone of the poem. The wording was good too, some interesting lines in here. Your words are full of emotion, and that really comes through to the reader. I only have one suggestion for this; on the second line, it should be "I sleep too long." The ending was strong and summed up the meaning of the poem, very well done!

  • 19 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Shouldn't it be "I sleep TOO long?" and that they should "hear" you out.

    Those are the only mistakes.
    The rest of the poem sounds quite nice, and the peculiar ending saved it from being cliche.

    Good Writing!

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