To my cousin...

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Oct 26, 2005

It's been a while buddy, i miss you still
You left a hole in my heart that nobody can fill

I miss the times four wheeling and hanging out
I miss our little fights and not knowing what they were about

I miss your family, they were so good to you
I miss your smile, shaggy blond hair, and your muddy clothes too

Davy, i can't explain how much your family misses you
Hell I can't explain how much i miss you too

I think about you all the time though
I ask myself why you left...why you had to go

I don't know why you gave up without a fight
I don't know what you were thinking on your last night

Your mother, June, found you next morning dead
She said you suffered a gun the head

I was with my gram when our aunt called
I asked what was wrong, her words just stalled

She cried out that you died
You died from a suicide

No warning signs...none at all
You didn't ask for help or bother to call

Now I'm left with pictures and your poison CD
But that doesn't please me

I want you Davy, you're my cousin, you should be growing up with me
You shouldn't be gone already, I'M HERE...can't you see?

There's nothing i can do anymore
there's no point of trying for

I miss you David and i hate how you left me here
you're not the only one who lives in fear

i still love you and i think about you every day
the pain still hurts though, will i ever be OK

-To my cousin David Paul-
...8/28/88 to 2/2/04...
I love and miss you so much


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Really good poem 5/5 sorry about what happenend, your poem's really touching and sweet ^_^ Thanks for sharing.