Solitary Hell

by Sly   Oct 26, 2005

Living in darkness
No one but me
I'm alone
No one can see
What Ive been through
Living in fear
Living in pain
Living in hate

Crying every night
Wishing for help
Looking for the light
Living like this is not right

Shadows in my room
Awake all night
Feeling to weak to move
Staring at the moon

No one knows how its like
To live in Solitary hell like me
No one to help me find the light
Buried deep inside me

Why me...


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  • 18 years ago

    by katie hensley

    I like this. very well worded. keep it up!! -k-

  • 19 years ago

    by Ironic Allure

    It's not a bad attempt I guess, there's just no real depth to the poem. Suppose that could be an attraction to someone, but I prefer things to be a bit more developed.
    You've focussed more on the rhyme to the detriment of the content. Try not to make things rhyme unless it just comes naturally.

  • 19 years ago

    by Nikki

    I really like this poem. It is very well writen. I enjoyed reading it well keep up the good work and always keep it real!

  • 19 years ago

    by McKenna

    Hey that was a great poem! I didnt know you were such a good poet..well, keep on writing

  • 19 years ago

    by Polly

    Aw this is so sad. you've written it so beautifully, its a feeling i can relate to, and im sure others will to. its great, keep it up and take care xxxxxxxx