Xxx~My life~xxx

by alicia   Oct 27, 2005

Still drink,
Still in school,
I'm all cool
nothing new.
sticking with the family
just hating some b***h as crew
trying to get to know someone knew,
but somewhat hating on me.
I don't even if I have friends,
how do I know if I have friends.
Yeah April, Tai are cool much love to ya both.
Other don't talk to me like
I don't exist.
I think I just need some rest.

Life s***s these days
family and I are cool
just hating life when I'm down
and depress.

Most of the time I'm okay,
there's nothing more I can say,
just way depressing.
Oh God help me,
God bless me today.


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  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    S0me p0werful lines in that. g0od j0b 0n tha p0em. very well written. thank u s0 much f0r the c0mment 0n my w0rk meant al0t t0 me!
    l0tz 0f l0ve/ d0ra