I know I shouldn't love you,
I think it's wrong to do,
I wonder what'd happen,
If you only knew...
Our conduct should be formal,
It isn't really normal,
But I wonder what you'd say,
To "I think of you each day..."
It doesn't happen often,
It isn't that pronounced,
I wonder would it be allowed,
Or draw a jeering crowd...
It happens once or twice,
Some places even thrice,
But I wonder if there's certainty,
In a future with you and me.
If it were to happen,
And if it were to ever be,
I wonder if you'd be happy,
To want to be with me.
I wouldn't want to say a word,
For fear of being overheard,
But I wonder could I tell you,
Or would we then be through.
I know I shouldn't love you,
I shouldn't really care,
But I wonder if it could ever be,
Us two, you with me.
Comments and rate, if you will.
(C) DJ 2005+