If that's what it's meant to Be

by Lithium   Oct 27, 2005

When I touch your hands,
My stomach tenses,
My heart flutters,
Controlling all the senses,

I can't get you,
Off my mind,
I think off you,
Nearly all the time,

I notice when I get close,
I get nervous and shy,
No ones made me feel this way,
Not one single guy,

You truly are something,
Different from the rest,
You're my special babe,
There's no contest,

You've won my heart,
Hands down and square,
I wouldn't give you up,
Even if you dared,

I can't shake these feelings,
You're giving me,
I'm scared to call it love,
Though it will be what it's meant to be.

Dedicated to Jase.

©Samantha Jayne Reed
Wrote on October 27th, 2005


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  • 18 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    GReat poem i loved it!

  • 19 years ago

    by vince

    V good

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Oh...so sweet...he is one lucky guy...really good...

  • 19 years ago

    by `*~1-lUv~*`

    Great poem i love it very much n i appreciate ur comments. Thanx!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lemma

    I can totally relate to this poem at the moment coz it's just how I'm feeling. Great choice of words. 5/5

    Em xx

    PS I luv ur pic, its really cute!