Silence and lonliness

by bonnie   Oct 27, 2005

Nobody noticed the tears in her heart,
Nor did they hear her mind
Screaming for salvation,

They ignored her silent pleas,
And lifeless gestures,
And left her to wallow in her own sad self pity.

Happiness was torture and revealed too many ugly memories,
And her only comfort was liefs cruel hand,
And the loneliness she'd only ever known.

She moved aimlessly through life,leaving no tracks,
As if she was never there,
And her pointless existence was never noticed.

She had so many dreams and goals to reach,
But she spent all of her life running and hiding,
So as not to drown in her hideous nightmares,

She was choking on unbearable emotions,
But they saw nothing but a cold and bitter heart,
But it was only what she wanted them to see.

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***any useful advice on how to make this poem flow better would be appreciated, I'm having trouble making it sound right!***


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    I wouldn't change anything. Just let the words come out and don't spend a lot of time reworking. First writes are usually the best as they are the most heartfelt. Nice job.

  • 19 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    I think you done a great job. I also think it is sometimes hard to express true emotions in a poem, but u hit her pain right on the nail.

    Good Work.........