
by bonnie   Oct 27, 2005

Silent hurts
silent lies
silent deaths
silent tries

come silent nights
you'll hear my cries
my silent prayers
my silence dies
ear splitting silence
echos in my head
a silence so loud
i wish i were dead

silent lives
silent dreams
silent hopes
silent screams


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  • I know whatur fealin, most the tiome i wish i could b dead, coz i hate life
    keep strong mel

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    I really liked this one. Few words can be more powerful then run on sentances. The repetition was great.

  • 19 years ago

    by Riffy

    This was great. The repitition of the word 'silent' was really effective.
    Keep it up!
    Take care,
    Luv Riffy xxx