Time to realize

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Oct 27, 2005

I hate yelling...i hate it so much
It gives me chills right down to the touch

My mother has a temper and yells about anything
She complains literally about everything

Because my sister picked me up, she had a fit
She didn't care that i asked my sister too one damn bit

My mother wanted me to walk home in the cold
Just because my sister picked me up, hell started to unfold

So i sit up in my room, i turn the lights off
I can't breathe loud, i can't even cough

If i do, i know the screams will head my way
And i don't feel good enough to think of something to say

I sit in a corner on the floor
I place my head against my bedroom door

I'm twisting a necklace between my fingers
And I'm trying to diminish the feeling of tremble that lingers

I hear them screaming, my sister is sticking up for me
I want to make this noise stop quickly

I grab my cigs and crawl out my window
I'd stay but the screaming is making me sad though

I rip my shirt crawling off the roof too
I'm doing anything i can just to get away from you

Mother, i don't know what you're problem is with me
Maybe it's something i did that i can't see

But one day you'll knock and i won't answer the door
You'll get mad even more

You'll look through my room and yell my name
It'll take time to notice that I've quit your game

The silence echoes of you being alone
And it's time to realize that I'm not coming home


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