Slicing me silently

by casey   Oct 28, 2005

Razor blades are falling on to me,
haunting every memory
cutting every chance i will ever have at ever being free.
slicing me silently.

razor blades are cutting my skin,
never allowing me to win,
I'm always committing this "sin",
slicing me silently.

razor blades are my best friend,
they're always there to help me mend,
helping my mind bend,
slicing me silently.

razor blades never tell,
they never seem to fail,
they're there when i start to wail,
slicing me silently.

razor blades bring great pain,
the kind of which onto i hang,
nothing is ever the same,
slicing me silently.

razor blades allow it to flow,
always bringing me down below,
the scars tell what they will never know,
slicing me silently.

razor blades bring the blood into this dream,
causing this great flood of that memory,
making nothing what it may seem,
slicing me silently.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    It's really good. I hope you can stop cutting though. I know it's hard but still I'm always here.. take care xx: blaine

    *> : PainOfOne