
by amanda   Oct 29, 2005

You walk down the school halls
acting like a wigger
always grabbin on you ba||s
like some sorta n|gger

you talk like your stupid
and walk like you got a stick up ur butt
going around acting like a love cupid
trying to get with the biggest s|ut

you need to get a reality check boy
cuz with that little co(k
no girl could enjoy
i wouldn't be surprised if she gets jaw lock
you know from taking so dam long

so hear take my advice
loose all the fake diamonds and ice
and steel someone else personality
and check back in with reality

sorry if i offended anyone by using the N word I'm not raciest it just rhymed so I'm sorry


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Eddie

    Hahaha it was halerious and it was great, I liked the rhyming too, aye check some of mine, deuce deuce.

  • 19 years ago

    by hitmeagain;idontfeelanymore

    Offensive- kinda

    good- YESS!!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Tia

    I should tell that to hafe the ppl at ma school..lol..that was really good