You do not make the organ that
pumps my blood
do its job any faster.
You are human, and you smell
like sweat.
Your eyes are the color
of the crusted mud that I
pick from the soles of my shoes
with a pencil.
Your hair is the color
of the dog shit between my toes
when I went out in the yard at night
and forgot my shoes.
But I must admit -
it is the most appealing dog shit
that I have ever come across.
Your body is nothing special,
a tool with which you accomplish your tasks.
I do believe you are fairly intellegent,
but I say the same
of my pet cat.
Though you must have something she doesn't
because I find my thoughts on you
throughout the day.
Your less than perfect self,
your crusted mud eyes,
your dog shit hair.
I think of
all day, not my
pristine, graceful, glossy cat.
And yet,
she is the one who sleeps in my bed at night.
If you caught the Shakespeare reference I love you forever.