Remember Me

by Hilary   Oct 29, 2005

As the tears begin to form in my eyes
I try with all my strength to not let them
Engulf me in their pains and agonies
But I have yet to win that battle
Im frightened to survive in this world without you
Perhaps because I havent tried
But in all of my desires my life was filled
With the existence of you
Now I have come to know - times change
And I must move on with them
You left with merely a few words
As I stood back and sat as an audience member
To my own heartbreak
Now your absence has ended
And you are back for another try
But Im stuck with the duty
Of saying goodbye
You cannot come in and out of my life
I am not a train stop along the way
You had me once and gave me up
And will not get that chance another time
Though it breaks me to not reach out to you
And give all I have to trying again
But I gave all that I am - shortly ago
And have yet to allow myself to become one once more
Walk away without a word
Do not touch this once loved body
Do not watch me cry as I let you go
Do not stand there and explain
How I am still in-love with you
For I know very well that I am - and always will be
In-love with the man I once knew
Not the man you have become
Do not shame our love for the trials we have faced
Praise our love for the mountains we have climbed
Commend our souls for at a time being one
Admire our hearts for living this battle
And remember me for what we once shared
Not what we have lost


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