Footsprints of A Grave

by Hilary   Oct 29, 2005

Im looking down upon the soft
Earth beneath my feet
Coming to the realization that these
Miracles many will never meet
We always say with pain in our soul
It wasnt their time to die
But who are we to say when it is time
For them to say goodbye?
What hurts the most is
Knowing all I can do is pray
While lives are being taken and
Will never see another day
Each minute comes forth another prayer
That their souls will rest in peace
And that each of them knows theyll be remembered
Theyre alive - though deceased
Every day well live our hours in honor
Of those who no longer are alive
Living each day as though it is our last
And for marvels we are to strive
Share with everyone whom you care for
From the bottom of your heart your love
For you never know what minute is their
Last and they too might fly above
And when you walk upon the
Ground in the cold and soft dirt -
Know the graves are the footprints of the
Angels who souls still walk this earth


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