Hope is a lying b***h

by Avellana   Oct 29, 2005

You'd think if I've been down this road
I'd know which way to turn
That I'd know where the paths would lead
And the heartbreak in return

When I find something that makes me happy
I'm just waiting for it to end
So I kill it before it has the chance
To put my heart back on the mend

And when I find something that hurts me
I cling onto for dear life
What is so deeply wrong with me?
That if I could be happy, I have to fight?

I always thought love made you strong
To fight the demons away
Instead it seems, to invite them in
And give them a place to stay

It seems more of an addiction
Is it really you I love?
Do I even want to tell you?
Why haven't I had enough!

My face doesn't show what I'm thinking
Make-up is a wonderful thing
You think I resemble a china doll
But to me
I'm the clown trapped inside the ring


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    I really liked this poem keep writing and take care hun sarah x

  • 19 years ago

    by Jane

    Wow great poem you really know how to show your emotions in your poems

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    I can totally relate to this poem, too. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way because I know how horrible it is. You're an amazing writer! This is just yet another fabulous poem... : )

  • 19 years ago

    by Cimara

    Oh my gosh, i can relate so much. this poem was just beautiful!! wow. i really loved the last stanza. keep it up xox

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    Wow that was an excellent poem. i could relate so much hun. Great job. thanks for commenting on my poems!

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