Silent Killer

by Fallen Angel666   Oct 29, 2005

On June 11, 1992,
A beautiful baby girl's life was just beginning,
Her parents decided that her name was to be,
Kathryn Ann Levering,
Such a sweet girl,
As I knew her at ten,
In such a short time we became friends,
She had told me once about how she had cancer,
And how she had always dreamed of being a dancer,
It never occurred to me,
How deadly cancer could really be,
Till that day,
The one Ill never forget,
September 28, 2000,
I saw her quietly,
Looking out the window on the bus so next to her I sat,
I had noticed lately that more often she was sick,
But nothing prepared me enough for this,
She looked at me when I asked her what was wrong,
And she started to cry,
Put her head down,
As she told me the doctors said she was going to die,
Then she looked straight into my eyes and said,
Sam Im afraid to die,
I told her everything would be fine,
But really,
I felt there was really no real comfort I could give her,
Because I had no idea what she was going through,
But I wrapped my arms around her the rest of the ride,
Wishing I could take her pain away,
But knew there was nothing I could do,
As she got off the bus,
I blew her a kiss,
Her beautiful face I will always miss

-After she got off the bus, that night she died in her sleep, R.I.P Kathryn I will always love and miss you! We all will.
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  • 19 years ago

    by MariiaShan

    I know what you're going thru my friend killed herself on my birthday and a year later on my birthday whicih is supposed to be a happy and joyful day I sat in my room looking at old photos of the both of us together and remembered the stupid and illegal stuff we use to do.

    R.I.P Missy everybody in minnow mises u lots

  • 19 years ago

    by skyfox

    Your poem is a very fitting tribute to your lost friend